Fender Stratocaster 12 String


Fender Stratocaster 12 String, 3 Tone Sun Burst
Condition – Excellent, Modified, Original Pickups replaced with “Seymour Duncan“ 1986 Vintage APS-1 Alnico II Pickup Set (Middle Pickup Reverse Wind), New CTS 250k Volume and Tone controls, New 5 way Switch, Output jack, and Vintage cloth covered Wiring. Guitar has nice acoustic resonance when unplugged, Low String action and easy to play, Great sounding 12 String using The Stratocaster Pickups and Switching.
Case – Fender Molded Case, Black
Serial # S-093386 Made In Japan
Sale Price: $900.00 Plus Shipping to Lower 48 USA Only


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In the 1940s, southern California inventor Leo Fender realized that he could improve on the amplified hollow-body instruments of the day by using an innovative and rather simple solid-body electric guitar design. Further, he realized that he could streamline the process of building them.

In 1951 he introduced a prototype solid-body instrument that would eventually be called the Telecaster® guitar. The Tele®, as it was often called then and still is today, was the first solid-body Spanish-style electric guitar to be commercially mass-produced.

Courtesy of fender.com